Sophie is a Manchester Princess kids party entertainer. She has done hundreds of local kids parties to date.
So your child loves frozen, Elsa, Anna and Olaf!
Well, it’s a great idea to do a frozen themed birthday party!
Getting a princess party entertainer will make all of your kids dreams come true. So many kids are star struck when their favourite princess walks in! You can also get a princess video message to play during the party instead! This makes a great surprise too! Princess video messages can also be used to invite all your guests to the party by announcing the time, day and location. This is a great way to get the kids excited in advance
Party Games?
There’s lots of great party games you can make frozen themed.
Hop hop hop freeze!
Why not play hop hop hop freeze? Here’s how you play:
Your princess entertainer will get all the children lined up at the edge of a room or garden. The princess will ask them all if they know how to hop, then get them to hop. She will then ask them all if they know how to do dramatic freezes, and get them all to freeze. If she does a dramatic freeze too, this will make them giggle. She will explain that she will be on the opposite side of the garden and they must reach her first by hopping towards her. When the princess turns away from them, she will say hop hop hop and then turn towards the children to say freeze! They must all freeze. If they are young, and wobble, they will be told to take two steps back. If the kids are a little older, they must go back to the start. You can go around the kids and try and make them wobble by telling jokes. The first child to touch the princess’ dress wins a sweet and stays with the princess to check that everyone is freezing when she says freeze. They become little helpers. Eventually, they will all win a sweaty. It’s best, when you get down to the last 4, to give all 4 a sweaty in one go so no one ends up last.
Anna Anna Elsa!
Kids have so much energy at birthday parties, so getting them to run is always a good idea. A very simple conversion of the game duck duck goose can do that. The princess will simple tell the children to replace the words duck duck goose with Anna Anna Elsa. So how to play? The kids sit in a large circle. One child goes around the outside of the circle and touches each child’s head and says either Anna or Elsa. If they say Elsa, the child whose head was touched, must get up and chase the child standing around the circle until they sit in their spot. This is a great way to get the kids both listening and encouraging each other.
Sleeping princess
For the sleeping princess game, your entertainer will get all the children in a circle and show them a tiara and an eye mask. She can introduce this game by saying that Anna is always pinching Elsa’s stuff and ask around the circle if anyone has a little sister that does that too. This will get the kids chatting and giggling. One child, usually the birthday girls, will go in the middle of the circle, put the eye mask on and take a nap. The princess will then ask for volunteers to pinch the tiara very quietly by putting their hand up. The princess will point at the chosen child. The second child will take the tiara and be told to put it behind their back. She will then say: “Cheeky faces everyone, hands behind your backs and Waky waky princess!” “Who do you think took your tiara?” “Who looks extra cheeky” Usually at this point, they start giggling. If the kids are very young, give the child guessing a clue after each guess they make, like, the person who took it is wearing blue. This will help narrow it down faster.
Cinderella game
For the cinderella game, your entertainer will get all the children in a circle and ask each child to remove one shoe and put it in the middle. One child will be cinderella and stand and look away. The entertainer will point at which shoe is “the magic shoe”. Cinderella will turn around and guess which shoe. If it’s the right shoe, everyone will put their hands in the air and say “magic shoe”. If it’s the wrong shoe, everyone will look disgusted and go “stinky shoe”. Between each guess, the entertainer will give an extra clue about the shoe.
Pass the parcel
A birthday game favourite is pass the parcel! Kids will be in a circle and pass a parcel with multiple layers around. They must undo a layer every time the music stops. The winner is the one that gets the last layer, which is usually the birthday girl. You can make it frozen themed by saying that Olaf wrapped it, but as it was his first time wrapping a present, he wrapped it with way too many layers!!
If kids are too focused on getting present, an alternative is pass Belle’s rose. Each time a child passes the rose, the kids must do a little task, like balance the rose on their heads. When the music stops, whoever has the rose will win a sweet.
Sing the frozen soundtrack!
Kids absolutely love singing frozen songs. They often know all the words, so it’s a great way to get them all involved. Your entertainer can start with Let it go and encourage everyone to follow the dance moves. Other popular songs are: Do you want to build a snowman and Into the unknown. Having a frozen playlist going throughout the party is a great idea!
Princess musical bumps
Chose one dance move per princess, like belle is a spin, cinderella is getting heals out…. The entertainer will call out which princess and everyone must do that princess move. When the music stops, the first to sit gets a sweet.
Princess says
Just like simon says, but use the room. Princess says, touch something red. Princess says, point at the birthday cake…
Parachute games
Kids will hold the parachute. One child will be sitting inside the parachute and try and throw balloons out of the parachute as they are bouncing around. The entertainer will ask the kids to act out animals. The best actor gets chosen to go into the parachute
Princess training
Make a wish
Princess treasure chest
There’s nothing better to get kids excited than a colourful birthday party. Focus on lots of light blues! Balloons are always great! They are decorative, but can be fun to throw around too

Frozen birthday cake
Check out some of these lovely frozen themed birthday cakes

Bouncy Castle
Bouncy castles are usually a big hit for children to let off steam. You can even hire frozen themed ones! Although we do recommend having one point in the party where all the attention is focused on the bouncy castle and another part where the focus is just on the games. This helps focus the kids’ attention on one thing at a time, makes both super fun when they are introduced!
A great thing to do with a bouncy castle is to use a human catapult to shoot sweets into it. The kids must catch the sweets in the air.